Exhibition: «Metal Influences: what albums made
the metal culture?»
Les DOCKS, Thu March 14 to Mon April 15,
Each year, the musical production in the metal culture remains
rich and knows no boundaries. Each month in the world, new death,
black, thrash metal and many more other metallic style albums come
out: but what are the ones that made us come there?
For its 2013 edition, the Inferno Festival has invited musicians
to talk about one album that especially marked them. They accepted
to generously deliver a part of their musical intimity to the
public. What famous norwegian musician will talk about Coroner?
What album marked Ross Dolan of Immolation, Teloch of Nidingr and
Mayhem or Ana of Haemorrhage?
Follow their testimonies with a dozen others at the DOCKS
Gallery from March 14 to April 15, 2013.
The artists who have generously agreed to deliver their written
testimonies are:
Ana (Haemorrhage) Apollyon (Aura Noir, Immortal) Flo Mounier
(Cryptopsy, Nader Sadek) Hans Fyrste (Ragnarok, Svarttjern) Martin
Schirenc (Zombie Inc., Pungent Stench) Martin van Drunen (Asphyx,
Hail of Bullets, Grand Supreme Blood Court) Nicolas Ranko Muller
(Svart Crown) Ross Dolan (Immolation) Seth Van de Loo (Severe
Torture, Centurian, Nox) Teloch (Nidingr, Mayhem) Tobias Splendour
Sidegard (Necrophobic) Vorph (Samael)
Come and discover what they say about their favorite album!
Thanks to all of them to make this exhibition happen!
Contact : Sandra Henny